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General Info

Day old chicks

White Bresse

Straight Run (gender unknown)


Swedish Flower Hen

Straight Run (gender unknown)


Black Copper Marans

Straight Run (gender unknown)


Double Silver Laced Barnevelder

Straight Run (gender unknown)



Straight Run (gender unknown)



Pullet (female)


Crele Legbar

Pullet (Female)


Olive Egger

Pullet (Female)



Cockerel (Male)


Crele Legbar

Cockerel (Male)


Olive Egger

Cockerel (Male)



How do I place an order / do I have to pay for my whole order upfront?

We are not set up to take orders over this website yet. Please contact us on Facebook (preferred) or send us an email to be placed on the waitlist! **NOTE- a $20 non-refundable deposit is required to get on the waitlist (paid via PayPal/Venmo or cash). Remaining balance is due in cash at pickup.


Are your chicks sexed?

Some of the breeds we carry are auto-sex, meaning we can tell by their coloring (with 95%+ accuracy) what their gender is. These include: -Bielefelder - Crele Legbar -Olive Eggers Other breeds are NOT distinguishable at hatch, but you can usually get a good guess at 4-6 weeks of age. These include: -White Bresse -Swedish Flower Hen (yes, we know the name is confusing!) -Black Copper Marans -Silver Double Laced Barnevelder -Zombies PULLET- female COCKEREL- male STRAIGHT RUN- gender unknown


Are your chicks vaccinated?

We don't automatically vaccinate our chicks. We do offer the Mareks Vaccine if a customer buys the whole vial (in 2024 it was $55, and I add an additional $20 for my 90min drive to get it). It is only sold in 1000 dose vials and has to be disposed of an hour after mixing, so its not cost effective for us to do this automatically


Are your chicks guranteed?

We will always do our best to make sure every customer has a positive experience with us! We are happy to offer counseling on the best ways to raise your new feathered friends, and are always here to answer questions, but unfortunately, we have no control over the conditions our chicks are kept in once they leave our brooders, and thus can not guarantee them once they leave our home. While we provide the best care possible for our flocks, these are still chicks/chickens and are a bit fragile by nature so some things are inevitable.


Are your hatch dates guaranteed?

We usually have a good estimate on how many chicks will hatch each week, and thus can plan accordingly, but these are live animals and we cant control all aspects of their reproduction (extreme weather, illness, incubator issues, deaths, etc.) Because of that, on occasion, some orders and quantities may need to be adjusted/ moved to a different week. We will do our best to work with everyone's schedules, and get you everything your ordered, but please know some flexibility may be needed on pickup dates/times as well as number of chicks/breeds that hatch!


Why buy from you when I can get cheaper chicks at the feed store?

We are a very small operation, only hatching small batches for a small portion of the year. We know each of our birds personally and we put a LOT of time, money, and love into our flocks! When you buy from us, you are buying offspring of our hand selected breeders, that we have spent years breeding down for the best quality we get per generation (and will continue to do this for years to come!) Almost all of our breeds we initially had shipped in from various high quality breeders across the country. Each chick we hatch gets some cuddles and a full exam (to the best of our ability) to ensure only the best/healthiest ones are being sold. Mass hatcheries on the other hand (chicks from the feed stores) are hatched in mass quantity with no regard for breed quality or health/wellbeing of the birds. These chicks go from hatching into a truck to be shipped immediately after hatch. Several die from the stress of being transported and a lot of times the ones that do make it don't thrive.


Do you have bulk-buy discounts?

We unfortunately don't offer bulk buy discounts


If I end up with a rooster, can I swap for a pullet?

Due to flock containment health and biohazard protection, we are not able to take any birds back once they have left the premises. When buying straight run chicks, you should assume you will end up with both boys and girls, so have a plan in place beforehand for unwanted roosters!


Do you sell laying hens?

99% of our sales are day old chicks only. On rare occasions we will sell adult birds, but that's only if we need to downsize or retire older hens, so its not often.


What is the difference between a heritage breed and modern commercially bred chickens?

Heritage breed chickens have been around for a long time and are generally not overbred so their health and longevity is much better than the more modern higher egg producing breeds. Heritage breeds are generally healthier and hardier and less prone to issues due to over inbreeding that happens to get results like higher egg production rates. Though heritage breeds may lay less eggs than a commercial breed, you end up with a much healthier bird that should outlive its competition. Most of our breeds are heritage breeds including the American Breese which has a rich 500+ year history.


Payment Options

PayPal / Venmo

$20 deposit can be made via Paypal, Venmo or cash



Cash payment for remaining balance expected at pickup


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